Friday, December 6, 2013

5 Key Plus Size Fashion Tips Every Woman Needs to Know

No matter your size, shape or weight there are some universal tips for every plus size woman to know. Here's 5 to get you started on your way to a more fashionable you.

1-Wear clothes that fit. Your size will likely vary from designer to designer, store to store and even from style to style (ie you may wear a 18 in the bootcut pants but a 22 in the skinnies). Don't stress or worry about the little label in your clothes, do one sees it but you and remember it doesn't matter. What matters is that it fits well and you look good. It's best to get good, accurate measurements of yourself.

2-Invest in good quality clothing. For some reason, most of the plus size clothing is cheaply made and expensively priced. Designers seem to think curvy women should spend their hard earned money on sack cloths that will fall apart as soon as you put it in the wash, pu-leez. A good quality garment might cost a bit more up front but will last you way longer and will cost less per wearing and look better.

3-Tailoring is your best friend. A little nip and tuck here, an inch or two off the hem can take a ho-hum garment from basic to fabulous. This is especially important for curvy women, who's designers seem to think that sack cloths are attractive (refer to #2). If you don't know how to do this yourself find someone who can.

4-Wear the right undergarments! Pretty please and thank you. The way your clothes look on the outside starts with the right foundation, just like building a house. Think of your bra and panties as the foundation (in the "olden days" that is what they were referred as) or structure of your house and your clothes as the exterior. Your makeup, jewelry and accessories are are the embellishments like photos, furniture and home decor. Good quality undergarments are not cheap especially if you're busty. However don't go overboard and try to squeeze all of your beautiful curves away by doubling up on Spanx just to fit into a certain dress (see #1).

5-Don't be afraid of color. There are millions of other colors besides black. If you are afraid of wearing other colors start with baby steps. Try adding a colorful accessory like a scarf, necklace, handbag or shoes. There are a lot of internet resources and books at the library to help you find out what colors look good for your skin/eye/hair composition (look for color analysis).

Be bold and daring, you have nothing to lose! Just try mixing it up and see if you like it!

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